International Conference on
Business, Economics and Management
2022 ICBEM
October 17-19, 2022, Taipei, Taiwan
Technical and Vocational Education SIG,
Research Discipline of Applied Science Education, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Science and Technology Council
With an eye on creating a better and more sustainable future for us all, the United Nations General Assembly set up a collection of 17 interlinked global goals in 2015. Known as Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), their purpose is to act as a blueprint towards achieving a manageable future. With that, we are pleased to announce the 2022 International Conference on Business, Economics and Management for Sustainable Development Goals to be organized by and held at Chihlee University of Technology on October 17-19, 2022 in New Taipei City, Taiwan.
This year’s event will be co-organized by the Department of Applied Economics at Fo Guang University, as well as Corporate Management Review, and will cover a range of topics including business innovation, logistics management and sustainable development, to name a few.
Note: The 2022 ICBEM Conference might be hold virtually if physical conference become unsuitable due to COVID-19. Check for Conference information whenever neccessary.
International finance
IT management
Logistics management
Organizational behavior
Quality management
Region and regional development
Risk assessment and management
Social capital
Strategic management
Strategy and competitiveness
Sustainable development
Topics of Interests (but not limited)
Business Innovation
Business Administration
Business Information Systems
Human Resource Management
Banking and accounting
Business statistics/econometrics
Corporate entrepreneurship
Corporate governance
Corporate social responsibility
Crisis management
E-Business and E-government
Financial markets and regulation
Financing entrepreneurial activities
Insurance and risk management
Submission Guidelines
Submission guidelines are available on the conference website.
Best Paper Award
All oral papers will automatically be considered for the Best Paper Awards.
.Best Paper Award US$600
.Best Student Award US$300
.Highly Commended Award Certificate
All accepted papers can be presented orally or by poster subject to the following guidelines:
(1) Oral preentations are given at the venue of the event.
(2) Oversea presenters can deliver a verbal presentation virtually if it is preferable.
(3) Conference research poster will be accepted to the maximum of 10.
Publication Opportunities
Review Journal and Management and System Journal, which require a double-blind review process. In addition, all abstracts of accepted papers will be published in the conference proceeding. The PUBLICATION opportunity in 2022 ICBEM is follows.
Corporate Management Review (ProQuest ABI/INFORM, EBSCO, TSSCI