International Conference on
Business, Economics and Management
In digital world, the human commonly uses digital tools to communicate on internet by smart devices, smart cloud technology and other smart technology. The innovated technology has undoubtedly created a new value on business community. 2020 ICBEM welcomes all scholars and experts on business field present academic results and share experiences on the insights of Business, Economics and Management in order to navigate human to digital world frontier.
Chihlee University of Technology, the Institute of Business and Management of National Chiao Tung University, the Corporate Management Review, and Journal of Management and Systems will co-host the 2020 ICBEM in the Digital World (DW) coming May 27-29, 2020 to address DW related issues.
Topics of Interests
(but not limited)

Publication Opportunities

Best Paper Award

Contact Us

Topics of Interests (but not limited)
Business Innovation
Business Administration
Business Information Systems
Human Resource Management
Banking and accounting
Business statistics/econometrics
Corporate entrepreneurship
Corporate governance
Corporate social responsibility
Crisis management
E-Business and E-government
Financial markets and regulation
Financing entrepreneurial activities
Fit Tech
Insurance and risk management
International finance
IT management
Logistics management
Organizational behavior
Quality management
Region and regional development
Risk assessment and management
Social capital
Strategic management
Strategy and competitiveness
Sustainable development
Publication Opportunities
All submitted papers will be evaluated by double-blind review process. All accepted abstracts will be published in the conference proceeding with ISBN. Papers presented at the conference will have PUBLICATION opportunity in the indexed journals below.
Corporate Management Review (Proquest ABI/INFORM, EBSCO, TSSCI)
Journal of Management & Systems (TSSCI)

Best Paper Award
All oral papers will automatically be considered for the Best Paper Awards.
.First Award: 600 USD
.Second Award: 300 USD
.Best Student Award: 300 USD
All accepted papers will be presented as oral or poster presentations.

Contact Us
Chihlee University Of Technology
College Of Business Management
Mail: ICBEM@mail.chihlee.edu.tw
Phone: (+886) 2257-6167 ext 4208
address:No.313, Sec. 1, Wenhua Rd., Banqiao Dist., New Taipei City 22050, Taiwan (R.O.C.)