International Conference on
Business, Economics and Management

S.-Y. Simon Wang
Plants, Soils, and Climate
Professor, Climate Dynamics
Dr. Wang studies climate variability, extreme weather, climate impacts, and climate prediction. He edited and co-wrote the first monograph of Climate Extremes: Patterns and Mechanisms for the American Geophysical Union in 2017. His academic research has appeared in various peer-review journals with over 160 publications. He also led the research and development at the Utah Climate Center. Dr. Wang is an advocate for climate services. In former life, he was an air force weather officer and a freelance photographer.
Deciphering Climate Extremes and Risks
Keynote Speech : 09:30-10:30 a.m., October 17, 2023. (Taipei Time).
【Teaching Interests】
Climate Data Analysis; Climate Theories; Interdisciplinary Climate Study
【Research Interests】
Climate diagnostics and prediction; weather processes and extremes; tropical and monsoon dynamics; applied meteorology and climatology
International Professor of the Year, 2019
Graduate Mentor of the Year, 2018
Book: The PROSE Awards, 2018
The Association of American Publishers
Robins Award: Faculty Researcher of The Year, 2016
Faculty Researcher of the Year, 2015
Alumni Award - National Central University, Taiwan, 2014
Department of Atmospheric Sciences, NCU